Wildlife of Alberta Wiki

A Mid-sized Diving beetle[]

Arthropods (Arthropoda)----Insects (Insecta)----Beetles (Coleoptera)----Adephaga----Predacious Diving beetles (Dytiscidae)-----Colymbetinae----Rhantus---R. sericans
Rhantus sericans

2nd May, 2009.

Rhantus sericans 2

2nd May, 2009.

Rhantus sericans 3

2nd May, 2009.

Rhantus sericans 4

2nd May, 2009.

Rhantus sericans 5

2nd May, 2009. This one was completely black underneath unlike the one pictured above.

This is a quite common species in Alberta around early May, whether it is swimming in a small pond or large lake, or flying over barren wastelands. This species can bite if handled badly, a correct way of holding is on on its back in a way so it can't bite you. The "Mid-sized" diving beetles are smaller than Large Diving beetles and larger than the 2-5mm ones (as its name suggests) Need more info!


