Wildlife of Alberta Wiki

Welcome to Wildlife of Alberta Wiki
The wiki about (Wildlife of Alberta) that anyone can edit

157 articles since --1st February, 2009--By: 001 users If you have recently joined don't forget to change this number!

Introduction to the site

Welcome to the Wildlife of Alberta Wiki! This site is a place were you can get insects, birds, wildflowers, trees, mammals and fish identified from Alberta, Canada. If you do not live in Alberta, but in another part of Canada you should still be able to rely on this, though many species are restricted to on the west side of Canada (not including British Columbia as the life west of the Canadian Rockies is far more diverse). The site has only been recently created so there is a lot of things to get done. Some family pages may go off to the right a bit (or a lot) for people with small monitor screens and it may require you to scroll right to see everything.

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What's new on Wildlife of Alberta Wiki

18th August, 2009
Added a nice shiny new (most importantly better focused) picture for Cedar Waxwing and House Finch.
06th October , 2009
Since I am working on 2 other websites there will probably be no more edits on this wikia for some time.

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What is the most variable species of animal on Earth?

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